Art-making Mantra #2: Can't Be Too Precious
I spent some time at the art table yesterday and have a few new pieces in the works:
work in progress #1 (10x10 on canvas)
working title: raining hearts
It's an ongoing challenge for me to leave a piece unfinished at the end of a painting session and pick it back up again. Afraid of ruining a good thing, works in progress tend to stay shelved for months before they see the light again. Especially if I like what I have.
work in progress #2 (12x12 on cardboard)
I like the movement in this one, but I'm not sure where to go with it. Irony?
Enter Stephanie's art-making mantra #2: Can't be too precious.
(I credit my abstract painting teacher Beulah McLellan for this one!)
I can't let an unfinished piece become so precious that I won't touch it for fear of losing what I have. I mean, if it's unfinished I have to do something right? It's a matter of trusting the process (art-making mantra #3 perhaps?).
So today I will trust, pick up my two pieces and see what comes.
Wish me luck!