Stretching Out of Technological Complacency
I'm a paper lover, but this journal/notes app for the iPad may have won me over
I love paper. I have five different notebooks on my desk as I type plus a stack of old school index cards I use for everyday planning.
I love coloured pens and have an elaborate system of changing up the colour I use to write my to-do's for the day, cross them off and jot down any other to-do's for the following day. I usually rotate three or four colours through the system, following a specific order that's not to be broken.
I seem to process information better when I write it down by hand vs. capturing it through a keyboard. I haven't been in any rush to adopt any new fandangled technology, smartphones or tablets to help me improve productivity, I haven't seen the need to.
Enter the iPad. Hubby surprised me with one for my birthday and thanks to an insightful conversation with a kindred scribbler who's already made the switch, I'm ready to give it a try.
I just need to set myself up for success by:
- choosing only a few aspects of my current system to experiment with (brainstorming and note-taking, though I may dabble in daily planning) vs. trying to overhaul everything at once,
- getting the right tools (a fancy schmancy stylus pen and a flexible writing recognition app*), and
- committing to using them for a given period of time so I can say I've given it an honest try (the next four weeks).
I tried out the tools yesterday for the first time and it was love at first write. I think I actually squealed with delight at the first scribble.
I usually abide by "if it ain't broke then don't fix it", but sometimes experimenting with different ways of doing things can be fun. Sometimes lightly stretching for stretching's sake can be just what we need to shake us out of complacency.
In my case, technological complacency.
* I'm not getting any money by linking to this specific app or stylus pen. They just happened to be the first tools I experimented with and I like them!
Are there any new tools you'd like to try in your work, but hesitate because it's a stretch out of your normal working habits? What if you experimented with it for a week, two weeks or a month just to see if it fits? Are there any complementary tools or resources that would help make it easier?