Photo Pause: Prince Edward Island, Day 1
While we were visiting Mom & Dad on the east coast, D. and I took a few days for an overnighter to Prince Edward Island (PEI). We only explored one little corner of the Island, but already its soft and surprisingly varied landscape wooed us both, inviting us to explore it further.
Here are a few favourite photos from Day 1:
Confederation Bridge between New Brunswick and PEI,
seen from New Brunswick's Cape Jourimain Nature Centre.
(Note to self: next time allow more time to explore this wonderful centre and its hiking trails!)
We enjoyed lunch at the Landmark Cafe, in the beautiful (and tiny!) village of Victoria by the Sea. While we were there someone brought in the morning catch, fresh off the boat down the road, for the night's special. It doesn't get more local than that.
Canada's Smallest Library in Cardigan, PEI
Who knew? And could that view be any more cozy?
We discovered this gem of a beach by accident. It captured so many of the colours typical to PEI's landscape! A bonus? There were only three people on it, plus us.
Still at the same little beach. I loved how the dune grasses created a rolling landscape,
and how the sun lit them against the dark skies ahead.
We spent about an hour there with our cameras.
The view from our deck that evening. We ate Rick's Fish & Chips and drank
local Gahan beer (both delicious!) while we watched the sun set.
We stayed at the Inn at St. Peters in St. Peter's Bay.
The main restaurant at the Inn at St. Peter's, against the twilight sky.
That night we sat on our deck and watched shooting stars. Magical.
Day 2 delights to come later...