Bits & Bobs & A Week Off The Job
Regular Contributor to Scoutie Girl
I'm now a regular contributor at Scoutie Girl (YAY!); watch for my posts every two weeks.
Last Monday's post touches on the need to have it all figured out vs. focusing on the next right action. Read it here.
FREE Monthly Planning Kit
It's a new month and it's still early, so it's not too late to sign up for the Creative Living Experiment mailing list and get your FREE Tried, Tested & True Monthly Planning Kit! Folks are sending me pictures of their Monthly Planning Quadrants and I'm loving it!
Here's what Pauline had to say about it:
"I finally got to your 20 page Monthly Planning Kit! It's fabulous! You did a great job with writing it in a way that made it seem 'do-able.' Especially for people like me. I am SO not a monthly goal kinda gal. ... Just wanted to say thanks for putting this together, and for making it easier for me to tackle such an 'unnatural' thing for me. I'm doing it this time, baby!"
Get it here.
On Self-Care and Sustainability
One of the perks of doing this work is that I LOVE what I do. When I love what I do I tend to spend long spells intensely working at my PC, head hunched forward, eyes glued to the screen. When I do that, I compact my neck muscles, which, according to my massage therapist, can in turn entrap my occipital nerve and cause annoying headaches that tend to linger, but get old very quickly. (That was an awfully crafted sentence, but yeah, I'm trying to get this post done and get off the computer!)
Loving what I do enough that I don't notice time passing while I'm crafting my work = very cool.
Pinched nerve and lingering headaches = not so cool.
I sense a full post on self-care and sustainability coming on. Stay tuned...
A Week Off The Job
And speaking of self-care, I'm getting ready for a week's vacation on my beloved east coast! Oh the salty sea air, may it fill my lungs and psyche to last me the year.
In addition to being in at Mom & Dad's in New Brunswick, there may be a side trip to Prince Edward Island or the Bay of Fundy for some new scenery. But the main reason we're going is to celebrate Mom & Dad's 50th anniversary. Fifty years together, now that's something worth celebrating!
Here's a pic of the two lovebirds, 50 years ago:
So with this happy thought I am signing off for a week of repose and restoration, with a bit of discovery and celebration thrown in.
See y'all on the flip side!