How do you want to spend the holidays this year?
UPDATE Nov. 25th: Creating Intentional Holidays will be available to new subscribers until the end of December. This means that if you didn't sign up for my mailing list last week, it's not too late to get it!
All you have to do is sign up between now and December 31st and you'll receive it in your inbox, in addition to the regularly available Tried, Tested & True Monthly Planning Kit.
I'm finishing up revisions to a booklet going out to my mailing list subscribers this Friday, on a subject that's dear to my heart: approaching the holidays with intention.
The booklet is called Creating Intentional Holidays: Exploring a Deliberate Approach to Celebrating the Holidays.
I witness a lot of joy during this time of year, I also witness a lot of stress and anxiety. Most of us sit somewhere in between.
I am a great believer that we can choose to celebrate our holidays deliberately, with intention, rather than let ourselves be swept away by the current.
We can choose to be out there and social because it suits us perfectly, or we can choose to tweak things a little because frankly, we feel tired and would rather cocoon this year.
We can choose to get that new TV for the rec room because finances are a little more flexible right now, or we can tone down the store-bought gifts because finances are tight, and focus on fun & frugal family activities instead.
We can choose. Yes.
If you are receiving this post via email because you're already on my mailing list, thank you, and stay tuned... Creating Intentional Holidays will be coming to your inbox soon.
If you are not on my mailing list and this resonates with you, I invite you to sign up so you'll receive the booklet. You'll also get the Monthly Planning Kit as a welcome gift, plus other occasional news & inspiration delivered to your inbox.
How do you want to spend your holidays this year?
However you may choose, I wish you a peaceful, joyful, kickoff to the season.