Four Weeks of 40: 40 Books on Productivity, Writing, Creativity...
Given that I always have a book or two or seven on the go, is it any surprise that I'd kick off my Four Weeks of 40 with a list of favourite books?
It's by no means a "top 40" list, I could never rank all that I've read. But these are the first ones that came to mind as I typed, and the ones that jumped out as I scanned my bookshelves, so that's saying something!
I've loosely grouped them into six categories: Biz & Productivity (1-11), Creativity (12-15), Writing & Presentations (16-24), Art & Inspiration (25-33), Hearth & Home (34-36), and the catch-all, Other (37-40).
Here goes, grouped, but not ranked...
- Brainstorm: Harnessing the Power of Productive Obsessions, Eric Maisel
- The Fire Starter Sessions: A Soulful + Practical Guide to Creating Success on Your Own Terms, Danielle LaPorte
- The Element: How Finding Your Passion Changes Everything, Ken Robinson with Lou Aronica
- Making a Living Without a Job: Winning Ways for Creating Work That You Love, Barbara Winter
- Refuse to Choose!: Use All of Your Interests, Passions and Hobbies to Create the Life and Career of Your Dreams, Barbara Sher
- Making It All Work: Winning at the Game of Work and Business of Life, David Allen
- The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Stephen R. Covey
- Write It Down, Make It Happen: Knowing What You Want and Getting It, Henriette Anne Klauser
- Overcoming Underearning: A Five-Step Plan to a Richer Life, Barbara Stanny
- Zen and the Art of Making a Living: A Practical Guide to Creative Career Design, Laurence G. Boldt
- To Build the Life You Want, Create the Work You Love: The Spiritual Dimension of Entrepreneuring, Marsha Sinetar
- The Artist's Way, Julia Cameron
- Kick-Ass Creativity: An Energy Makeover for Artists, Explorers, and Creative Professionals, Mary Beth Maziarz
- Coaching the Artist Within: Advice for Writers, Actors, Visual Artists, and Musicians from America's Foremost Creativity Coach, Eric Maisel
- Walking in this World: The Practical Art of Creativity, Julia Cameron
- If You Want to Write, Brenda Ueland
- Writing Begins with the Breath: Embodying Your Authentic Voice, Laraine Herring
- Thinking on Paper, V.A. Howard and J.H. Barton
- slide:ology: The Art and Science of Creating Great Presentations, Nancy Duarte
- Resonate: Present Visual Stories that Transform Audiences, Nancy Duarte
- Presentation Zen: Simple Ideas on Presentation Design and Delivery, Garr Reynolds
- Poetry Matters: Writing a Poem from the Inside Out, Ralph Fletcher
- A Writer's Paris, Eric Maisel
- The Art of the Book Proposal, Eric Maisel
- Henri Matisse (Taschen Basic Art Series), Gilles Neret
- Klee, text by Will Grohmann (I bought this used, apparently it's a 1967 edition)
- Frida Kahlo: Face to Face, Judy Chicago and Frances Borzello
- Masters: Collage: Major Works by Leading Artists, Lark Books
- Taking Flight: Inspiration and Techniques to Give Your Creative Spirit Wings, Kelly Rae Roberts
- Color Mixing Recipes, William F Powell
- Painting Abstracts: Ideas, Projects and Techniques, Rolina van Vliet
- The Art of Abstract Painting: A Guide to Creativity and Free Expression, Rolina van Vliet
- Finding Your Visual Voice: A Painter's Guide to Developing an Artistic Style, Dakota Mitchell with Lee Haroun
- Shelter for the Spirit: Create Your Own Haven in a Hectic World, Victoria Moran
- Sacred Space: Clearing and Enhancing the Energy of Your Home, Denise Linn
- Create the Space You Deserve: An Artistic Journey to Expressing Yourself Through Your Home, Jill Butler
- Embracing Uncertainty: Breakthrough Methods for Achieving Peace of Mind When Facing the Unknown, Susan Jeffers
- Your Money or Your Life: Transforming Your Relationship With Money and Achieving Financial Independence, Vicki Robin
- The Female Brain, Louann Brizendine
- The Prophet, Kahlil Gibran
There are so many others, it was hard to whittle it down to 40! And once I get my latest Amazon order in the mail, I'll have each and every one of them on my bookshelf.
I couldn't help but notice that I didn't include any fiction; I guess I'm mostly a non-fiction kind of a gal.
Till the next list...