Hello You, Hello 2015
Well hello there and Happy New Year!
I hope the holidays treated you well, dearest.
I am easing into 2015 at a gentle pace.
I've been reflecting on the year past with curiosity, compassion and gratitude, gently entertaining which things I want to bring forth into the new year and which ones I'm ready to leave behind. It's a slow process.
Today I completed my yearly ritual of choosing new calendars. The pickings at the store were slim, but I found an eclectic mix featuring birds, Darth Vader, and female rulers of the world (like Marie Antoinette, below).
I love this ritual, and this year's variety of calendars makes me grin and chuckle.
I hope 2015 brings something to make you grin and chuckle too.
May your new year be fabulous, may it be peace-filled, may it be joy-full.
May it be true.
Happy 2015.