Immersed in Art
I just got back from a visit to the Art Gallery of Ontario in Toronto to see an exhibition called The Great Upheaval: Masterpieces from the Guggenheim Collection, 1910-1918 featuring works by the likes of Kandinsky, Chagall and Matisse. (You still have a few weeks to catch it if you can!)
I am savouring an online course offered by Jeanne Oliver and eight other artists, called Studying Under the Masters {becoming an apprentice}. Each week is dedicated to one master, chosen by the guest teacher. This week we are studying Marc Chagall.
I am showing up at the studio weekday mornings before going into the office. Sometimes I'm only there for 25 minutes including setup and cleanup, but I'm there. Consistency is key.
La dame au chapeau rouge (Woman in a Red Hat), January 2014
20"x20", acrylics on canvas
In the past month I've completed three paintings (La dame au chapeau rouge, above, and two studies) and several new digital pieces.
I sent in a submission for a local art festival, putting my art out there for the first time in a few years. I am choosing to celebrate this step outside of my comfort zone no matter what the outcome.
I am reading about art and artists, soaking up words and images that inspire and inform.
In short, I am immersing myself in art.
It feels good.