What might you try?
"It is an interesting question: 'If I found myself and my thoughts interesting, what might I try?' We might discover we have a novel brewing that we have been too shy to unwrap. We might discover that we have a raft of paintings that are going unpainted lest we be 'dull.' We might discover that we are not putting to the page our one-woman show or our idea for a documentary film. If I were interesting, why, I might try any number of things."
~ Julia Cameron, The Sound of Paper
"If I found myself and my thoughts interesting, what might I try?"
I might try penning the framework for creative living that's been surfacing over and over in my journal for the past seven years, for creating a life of intention and choice and alignment and joy.
I might try sharing the digital artwork and photography I've been producing this winter in fits of blissful creative flow.
© 2018 Stephanie Guimond, Oranges, iPhoneography
I might try exploring the merits of creativity and other intangibles in the workplace, particularly in the field of productivity and project management. I might even try sharing my findings.
I might try writing about my art, especially the pieces produced intuitively, the ones I cannot really explain.
If you found yourself and your thoughts interesting, what might YOU try?
Tell me.