Permission to Expand
These past several months I’ve been thinking about this virtual space, specifically, about how it can support my ever-evolving Creative Living Experiment.
Four years ago (where did THAT time go?!), when I set out to leave my 9-5 job and create a more meaningful way of bringing in revenue, this blog became a platform of sorts for that. I focused on productivity, planning and my art: Stephanie Guimond – Artist, Visionary, Avid Left-Brainer.
Though I still “fit” in that title, it feels a little snug these days. Life has changed since 2011 and I’ve changed, which means some of the subjects I’m exploring have changed too.
There's a reason I changed my tag line a while back. Less labels = less constricting.
It's time to expand.
Of course I've been resisting this, making up stories about how changes to the blog will alienate those who read what few posts I've posted these past few years, or how changing my "brand" may become confusing. Um, what brand? I cried uncle on this particular work transition nearly two years ago! And voici, another loud and nagging story: if I focus less on art here, no doubt it means that I'm done as an artist and that I may as well toss my brushes out with the paint water.
It's amazing the stories we make up, isn't it?
I acknowledge these stories for what they are: irrational, most likely normal, fears about expanding into something that's potentially uncomfortable.
Now that that's out of the way, I will give myself permission to move right on through them and adjust the mold I've created for myself to match what calls my spirit today.
Though I’m still passionate about productivity, planning and art, I want to go back to writing about other things too, like I did before I set out on my work transition. I want to explore subjects like beauty, stillness, books, growth, forward movement, nature, hearth & home, roots, space, clarity, joy, meaning, awareness, alignment and everyday wonder.
So I will, dagnabbit, I will.
And as for you, dearest, if the mold you've created for yourself feels snug today, if your spirit is being called to expand, I hope you will give yourself permission to say YES and explore with me, too.